1·The value of the computer is that it can process a vast mass of statistical information very quickly.
2·He promises to introduce a professional civil service and legalise the vast mass of informal businesses.
3·The cyclone lifted a vast mass of sea-water and hurled it on low-lying villages on the delta, sweeping away tens of thousands of people.
4·Newton has left behind him a vast mass of records of these studies. I believe that the greater part are translations and copies made by him of existing books and manuscripts.
5·Even a tiny mass means that neutrinos would outweigh all the universe's visible matter, because of their vast numbers.
6·The idea that trace amounts of water in planetesimals could give rise to vast oceans may seem far-fetched until one considers how small an ocean can be relative to the size and mass of a planet.
7·The idea that trace amounts of water in planetesimals could give rise to vast oceans may seem far-fetched until one considers how small an ocean can be relative to the size and mass of a planet.
8·So the return of stem rust could cause vast suffering, threatening mass hunger in some of the world’s most populated areas.
9·This great, vast manufacturing network can redeem itself by building mass transit and electric/hybrid cars, and the kind of transportation we need for the 21st century.
10·The sixth-largest continent extending west from the dardanelles black sea and ural mountains. it is technically a vast peninsula of the eurasian land mass .